Services & Programs

A listing of Services and Programs offered by Our Lady of Good Counsel Church is provided below along with an identification of the Coordinators or Ministers who oversee their administration. For more detail‚ click on the link of the service or program in which you are interested.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – First Friday of the Month 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM

All parishioners and visitors are invited to spend some time with Jesus at Adoration every First Friday of the month between 8:00 AM and 3:00 PM. Jesus is present‚ waiting for you to share your thoughts and prayers with him. Our hope is that at least two parishioners or visitors will keep company with Jesus at all times during Adoration.

Should you wish to commit just ½ hour with Jesus‚ please indicate your desire by calling  Tom Hankinson 609-731-4542 our Adoration Schedule Coordinator. Please click on the Adoration tab to go to the SIGN-UP link.  Please commit to a time by signing up today. We thank you for making sure Jesus is never left alone.

You may also call the Rectory Office for information at 609 882-3277.

Adult Faith Formation

The Church’s catechetical mission aims to help the faithful of all ages to grow in both human and Christian maturity‚ enriching the whole of life with the leaven of the Gospel.

Our adult faith formation ministry engages the particular needs and interests of the adults in our parish. To be faithful and effective it will offer‚ over time‚ a comprehensive and systematic presentation and exploration of the core elements of Catholic faith and practice — a complete initiation into a Catholic way of life. It will do so in a way that is accessible to adults and relates to their life experiences‚ helping them to form a Christian conscience and to live their lives in the world as faithful disciples of Jesus. There are three major goals that should guide and direct adult faith formation: first‚ to invite and enable our adults to begin an ongoing conversion with Jesus who leads us to holiness of life; second‚ to promote and support active membership in our parish community; and third‚ to call and prepare adults to act as disciples in their everyday lives.

For information‚ call Deacon Steve at 609 947-0587.

Altar Guild

We are small group of men and women volunteers who work “behind the scenes” to maintain the sanctuary and the Holy Table, caring for the beauty of the Church altar.

What we do: We take care of the altar linens and the other liturgical items such as the Eucharistic vessels, elements, vestments, candles, and small furnishings for the altar. We also help with:

  • washing and ironing purificators and corporals,
  • ironing Alb’s, chasubles, veils, palls, altar cloths, server robes.
  • servicing the linens used on the altar and during the consecration of the Mass,
  • preparing the vestments and altar dressings for different feasts and seasons according to the colors determined by the liturgical calendar,
  • an occasional “house keeping” get-together to dust and polish the sanctuary furniture, etc.

Time Commitment: Varies with duties. Training is provided.

For more information call, Mary Pat Voorhees at (570) 290-2373,

“One of the most beautiful parts of this ministry is the closeness and humility which is developed as a person literally,

like Martha and Mary, waits on the needs of the Lord.”

Consolation Ministry

Jesus is the model of grief and compassion. Observing a funeral of the son of the widow of Naim‚ Jesus was filled with empathy: he restored life to the son and helped the grieving mother. When Lazarus died‚ Jesus wept in sorrow: He gave emotional support through his presence in a visit to Lazarus’ sisters.

The members of our parish are present to those who grieve through a Consolation Ministry that is principally expressed by an active participation in the preparation of funeral liturgies and by a support group that would prayerfully meet with those who grieve. The goal of consolation Ministry is to companion those who grieve a loss through death through their journey of grief so that they may experience the healing comfort of God through this faith community.

For information‚ call the Rectory Office at 609 882-3277 x3.

Home Bound Out Reach

Sickness can be short in duration or more long term. The elderly may be somewhat ambulatory and able to care for themselves or not able to leave their homes at all. Our parish provides for the spiritual needs of its homebound parishioners in several ways: through home visits by a priest‚ deacon‚ or Liturgical Minister; through the Sacraments of Reconciliation or of the Sick; through Eucharistic Ministers who provide for the routine and prayerful reception of the Eucharist at home; and‚ through special mention in parish prayers.

Also‚ our parish can assist the homebound of our parish and their families by just being good neighbors‚ by helping–out where we can; for example‚ friendly visits by outreach team members‚ shopping and errands‚ transportation to appointments‚ short–term respite for family care givers‚ and by providing information regarding other community or Diocesan services.

To make arrangements for spiritual needs or neighborly support‚ contact the Rectory Office at 609 882-3277 x3.

Infant Baptism

Baptism is not just an event‚ not just a moment. Baptism begins a lifetime relationship with God: it is once and forever. The parents of an infant to be baptized and godparents must be suitably prepared with regard to the meaning of the Sacrament of Baptism and its obligations. At our parish‚ preparation for the Sacrament of Baptism is required for all parents of a newly born infant‚ unless suitable instruction has been received by the parents within the preceding five years. More information under sacraments.

For information‚ call Mary Szmutko at 609-847-0796 or call Mary at the Parish Office, on Thursday or Friday at 609-882-3277 x3.

Knights of Columbus

The Ewing Knights of Columbus Council 3756 extends a membership invitation to all Catholic men to serve their parish church and community through voluntary‚ charitable activities. The Knights Board meeting is on the 1st Tuesday of each month at Incarnation / St. James Church Center at 7:30 PM and a members meeting at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Hall at 7:30 PM on the 3rd Tuesday of each month.

For information‚ call Tom DeFalco‚ Past Grand Knight at 609-882-6480 ~

Liturgical Ministers

Liturgical Ministers are those parishioners who assist the Parish Pastor‚ and Deacon with liturgical duties such as distributing the Eucharist (under both species) at Mass or to the homebound‚ as Readers at daily or weekend Masses‚ or as Altar Servers during Mass.

A Liturgical Ministers Schedule is prepared bi–monthly listing liturgical assignments according to the liturgical calendar of the Church for Eucharistic Ministers‚ Readers‚ and Servers.

For information‚ call the Rectory Office at 609 882-3277 x3.


March 2025


Arrangements should be made at least one year in advance. Couples are required to participate in a parish marriage preparation program and to attend a pre–marital conference sponsored by the Diocese. Weddings must be scheduled before 2:00 PM on Saturdays. All information is located under sacraments.  Link.

For information‚ call the Rectory Office at 609 882-3277 x3.

Mary’s Of Mary

On the Feast of the Assumption our Mary’s of Mary Group was formally commissioned and given the authority to lead the parish during our Marian devotions and celebrations. They will function in collaboration with the pastor.

For information, call Mary Arcadipane at 609-883-7620.

Music Ministry

A Choir and Music Ministry provides music and vocal song for parish liturgies and events‚ including funeral and marriage liturgies. Special musical events are also arranged and staged by the Music Ministry such as recitals‚ Christmas Plays‚ and incidental music.

All are invited to join our parish Music Ministry.

For information‚ call Deirdre Hindley at 609 882-3215.

Religious Education

PRINT  – Parish Registration Form

PRINT – Religious Education Registration Form

PRINT –  Student Emergency Contacts Form

Religious Education Letter

Religious Education Calendar

The school year for students entering religious education‚ Grades 1 through 7‚ begins in September and concludes in May. All students must be enrolled in the Religious Education Program by August 31st.  A completed Registration Form for each student‚ a copy of student Baptismal Certificate‚ and a check for annual tuition must be attached. The tuition for the school year is $100 for one child; $180 for two children; and $230 for three or more children. All registrations must be received no later than August 31st  prior to the start of a new school year. Registrations received after August 31st, a late registration fee will be added of $25.00.  Please get your registrations in on time so we may set up our classrooms and order materials for the students.

Progress Reports will be provided in January and returned signed the following week. Final Reports will be given on the last day of class.

For information about Religious Education at our parish‚ call Brenda O’Callaghan‚ CRE at 609 883-9005 or email:


For anyone who wishes to learn about Jesus or to become Catholic‚ our parish provides a series of meetings to talk about Jesus‚ to answer questions about the Church‚ or to provide information about becoming Catholic. These meetings are called Come and See.

To become Catholic‚ an inquirer must make a decision not only to know Jesus but to be a disciple — a follower who “puts–on Jesus” — someone who makes the ways of Jesus a part of his or her everyday life. To become Catholic‚ a three step process is undertaken: 1st‚ the inquirer is welcomed into the parish community to learn about Jesus and His Church. This period is a personal journey and varies in length. 2nd‚ after being instructed in the ways of Jesus‚ a “becoming Catholic” enters a period of deepening commitment‚ a period of reflection upon and understanding of Jesus as friend‚ guide‚ and savior. And 3rd‚ the sacraments of Baptism‚ Confirmation‚ or Eucharist (the sacraments of initiation) are received whereby an individual becomes Catholic.

Practicing Catholics who have received Baptism and Eucharist but who have not been confirmed may begin preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation by participating in a seven week discussion series for adults‚ including children who have concluded CCD education.

For information‚ call Deacon Steve at 609 947-0587.

Seniors Club

The parish Seniors Club meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month in the Ewing Twp Senior Center, 999 Lower Ferry Rd, Ewing Township, NJ 08628 at 11:00 AM. Guest speakers are utilized from time to time to review current events‚ trips are planned to locations of interest‚ and annual events are celebrated. Annual dues.

For information‚ call Mary Pat Voorhees‚ President at 609 882-2327 or Dolores Sebasto‚ Vice President at 609 882-5085.

Social Services

Various social services are undertaken by the parish throughout the calendar year‚ such as clothing drives‚ food drives‚ and fund raisers. A back back for education drive is held annually in July and August. Special emphasis is placed upon the holiday needs of the poor and homeless during Thanksgiving‚ Christmas time‚ and the Easter season.

For information‚ call James Gambino at 609 818-1708.