New Parishioners

Newcomers and Visitors

We extend a warm welcome to visitors and new parishioners. If you are new to The Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel or are visiting for the first time, be sure to stop by the Parish Office in the Rectory. There, you will find a wealth of information about parish life, ministries, organizations, and service opportunities. Our Welcome Ministry Person, Denise Hayes will be happy to answer any questions you may have or will refer you to the appropriate staff member. Please call her at 908-242-2183.

Our hope is that newcomers to our faith community soon find a “home” here and will become registered parishioners. To promote a sense of belonging, we communicate regularly with the parish community. Registered parishioners receive all parish communications, such as letters from our pastor, announcements of parish programs and events, and occasional special publications. Sacramental preparation and an extensive faith formation program for children, teens, and adults are available to registered parishioners.

Parish Registration 
All baptized Catholics living within our Parish boundaries are considered members of Our Lady of Good Counsel parish and are entitled to its services. Registration assists the staff in knowing parishioners, providing for their needs, informing them of parish programs and activities, and utilizing their gifts and talents in service to the Church and to one another. Click on the link below to fill out and submit a registration form.

Parish Registration Forms are available at each Church entrance, you may call the parish office 609-882-3277 x3 for one to be mailed or click link here for form   

Please return completed form by:

  • Email to:
  • Fax to: 609-882-4375
  • Drop in Sunday collection basket in an envelope marked registration
  • Mail or take to the Parish Office – 137 West Upper Ferry Road, West Trenton, NJ  08628

Why Register at a Parish?

Your Parish Needs You and You Need Your Parish!

By registering at a parish, you are declaring your desire to be part of a Catholic faith community. If you have recently moved to the area or if you are a long-time resident, please consider registering at the parish where you participate. There are registration forms at each church entrance, the online form above can be printed and returned or call for a registration form will be mailed to you. When in doubt, ask a priest after Mass.

Top Reasons to Register at a Parish

  • A sense of belonging and identity in a parish community.
  • It is a commitment to practice your faith.
  • Registration enables the parish pastor and staff to get to know you better, to welcome you and to minister to you. This is especially important during a time of crisis so that the pastoral staff can attend to your spiritual needs and the needs of your family.
  • Registration helps you stay connected with your parish and helps your parish stay connected with you. Providing your contact information is important so that parishes provide you timely updates via email, direct mail, phone, etc. Also, if you use offertory envelopes or online giving, you will also receive a year-end statement of your donations for income tax purposes. Once you are registered, please notify the parish office of any changes in address or phone number.
  • Registered active members are eligible for sponsor/godparent validation.
  • Census numbers may determine how many priests are assigned to a parish and how many Masses and enrichment programs are planned and scheduled.

What about Children who are 18 Years of Age or Older?

Children are considered members with their parents until they turn 18 years old. Once they are 18, it is their responsibility to join a church family, participate in the Mass and to register as a member independent of their parents.