Father Caesar Rubiano, has been assisting at Our Lady of Good Counsel while he has been completing his Graduate Studies, ~ July 1, 2o2o to June 30, 2021 ~.
Father is no stranger to us at OLGCC as we were blessed with Father Caesar when he was Secretary to Bishop Smith. We thank Father for his priestly ministry.
We wish Father Caesar best wishes as he now reports to his new assignment as Chaplain for Jersey Shore Medical Center, July 1st.
A Farewell Mass was offered by Fr. Caesar and concelebrated by our Pastor, Father Ariel on June 27th at 10:30 a.m. followed by a Reception outside.
Father Caesar, we extend our Congratulations on the 25th Anniversary of your Priestly Ordination.
May God continue to extend His richest blessings on you! Thank you for being such a joyful witness to all the members of the Church.
Ad Multos Annos