Catholic Relief Services

Focus on Jesus, not the storm!

“Charity that leaves the poor person as he is, is not sufficient. True mercy, …, demands justice, it demands that the poor find the way to be poor no longer.”  Pope Francis

We are called to give a Hand Up, not just a hand out!

As Lent comes to an end, along with the CRS Rice Bowl Campaign and the CRS Rice Bowl 25% Initiative, I would like to offer an opportunity for parishioners to learn about how their support enables CRS to work with American farmers who share their knowledge and expertise is helping farmers in developing countries to feed their families and fight hunger by increasing the yield of their farms.

Join the Diocese of Trenton Chapter of Catholic Relief Services for a virtual program on Monday, April 15 from 7 to 8 PM to hear from dairy expert Vinton Smith about his work with CRS in the Farmer-to-Farmer Program. The Farmer-to-Farmer Program takes advantage of American farmers’ knowledge and expertise to help farmers in developing countries to feed their families and fight hunger by increasing the yield of their farms. To register, contact Brenda Rascher, Diocesan Liaison to CRS, at, or Carol Olivieri at

Brenda L. Rascher, MSW, JD – Diocesan Liaison, Catholic Relief Services, Executive Director, Office of Catholic Social Services

Diocese of Trenton, 701 Lawrenceville Road, P.O. Box 5147, Trenton, NJ 08638-0147

Office:  609-403-7180



Covering:  Mercer, Monmouth, Ocean and Burlington Counties

HNS- Holy Innocents Society-What is it?