
We’re looking for Volunteers. Please click the link and download the Volunteer form and return to the Rectory Office,

Drop in the Collection Basket or mail to the Parish Office marked Volunteer.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Volunteer Sign Up Form

Religious Education


2022-23: Grades 1-7 CLASSES:  MONDAY EVENINGS 

6:00 PM – 7:15 PM in the newly renovated Parish Hall Classrooms 

Grade 8 Classes:

Sunday Evenings

7:00 PM – 8:00 PM

in the Parish Hall

2022-23 Registration Letter

2022-23 Registration Form

2022-23 RE Calendar

Parish-Registration-Form – If your family is not a registered member of the parish, please complete and return  the parish registration form to the rectory with your child’s religious education form. So we may enter you in our system.

mass schedule

Daily Mass Mon-Fri 7:30am
Daily Mass Saturday – 8:00am
Vigil Mass Saturday – 5:00pm
Sunday – 8:30 and 10:30am

The Month of  September :

Dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows

And thy own soul a sword shall pierce, that, out of many hearts thoughts may be revealed.

Prayer of Spiritual Communion
Live Streaming will Continue ~
Click Links below


You can view Mass live at the times listed or view the recording any time afterwards.




2022-2023 School Year


Do you love Jesus and His Church and have a desire to share that love with others? Then you may be called to be a catechist. If you answer YES to this question then you already have what it takes to be a catechist. The qualifications to be a catechist are not a degree in theology or being a teacher by trade. It is your WITNESS that makes you a great catechist. Our leader guides are easy to use and training and support are available.

Our Religious Education Program needs you. If you are interested in serving as a catechist or aide please contact our office at 609-883-9005 for more information or email Brenda: 

Brenda O’Callahan, CRE:  olgc.re.wt@gmail.com or Phone: 609-883-9005.

Bishop Anniversary Blessing

Bishop’s Anniversary Blessings 2022     October 2, Burlington/Mercer

All couples celebrating their 1st, 25th or 50+ wedding anniversary during 2022 calendar year are invited to share the Eucharist, reaffirm your sacred wedding vows, and receive Bishop O’Connell’s Episcopal Blessing. Anniversary Couples from Burlington and Mercer Counties may attend the Mass and Blessing on Sunday, October 2, 2022 at 3:00 pm at St. Mary Cathedral in Trenton.

For more information and to register for this event online visit us at
www.dioceseoftrenton.org/bishops-anniversary-blessing, or call your local parish office. The registration deadline for all anniversary couples is September 15, 2022.